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Misfit Stimagz FAQsUpdated 6 months ago

Our Misfit Stimagz Release allows you the chance to snag our fully-functioning but aesthetically imperfect Stimagz at a discounted price. If you have questions, we have answers! Check out these FAQs before buying your next set. 

What are Misfit Stimagz?!

  • Our commitment to quality is a priority and our standards are high. However, mistakes are inevitable in business, and we recently received a large order of Stimagz that were affected by a manufacturing error outside of our control. These Stimagz still function exactly as you’ve come to expect - they’re just a little visually imperfect. 

What are the aesthetic issues I should look out for in the Misfit Stimagz?

  • You might experience some scuffing on the ends of each unit and/or a plastic protrusion. The protrusion can be easily removed by taking a nail file, sandpaper, or any other abrasive surface and sanding it away. In 10 seconds you’ll have a smooth and functional but aesthetically imperfect set of Stimagz. 

How much do Misfit Stimagz cost?

  • We pride ourselves on being an environmentally conscious company and didn’t want to cast these visually quirky Stimagz to life in a landfill just because they weren’t perfect. (What’s “perfect” anyway?) Instead, we’re selling them at $19 a set, which is about 35% off the price of full-quality Stimagz.

Which colors are available in the Misfit Stimagz release?

  • The Misfit Stimagz come in our original Purple, Green, Black, and a new shade of Blue. 

What is the warranty for the Misfit Stimagz?

  • Purchases of Misfit Stimagz are eligible for refunds or reshipments only if the product is non-functional upon arrival. The cosmetic defects mentioned above do not affect the product’s functionality or usability and are not covered by the standard six-month warranty that applies to our regular Stimara products. Purchases of Misfit Stimagz with functional defects, like cracked plastic or magnets not working, are eligible for reimbursement within 30 days of the order date. Check out the full Misfit Stimagz Warranty Policy here.

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